About us

Aigolearning is a non-profit organization with the dual purpose of promoting coding in Children and young students’ contribution to teach Children coding.

We began with two classes at local school. With the expansion of online teaching as well as the growing emphasis on computer and technology, we began to grow. Overtime, we found more and more high school students around the nation who participated in our program, and more and more students interested in learning artificial intelligence.

Today, we have bases in both New Jersey and Seattle, and have partnered ourselves with multiple local Schools. As we expand, we hope more students will experience the joy of finishing a challenging computer program and more instructors will gain the experience of teaching through our program.

Leadership Team

National leadership:

  • The National leadership positions include: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, as well as Committee Chairs and their deputies for individual group committees.

Local leadership:

  • Local leadership positions include: President, Vice President, and Secretary
  • Aigolearning encourages students to develop local branches so they may engage in activities within their local communities.

Committee Group

  • Training team: train student teachers
  • Marketing team: promote to Parents/HS students/Kids
  • Course development team: develop course content
  • Operating team: manage the classes


Teacher Training: The training team’s goal is to train and evaluate new student teachers. This includes hosting training weeks and developing materials. We’re looking for experienced teachers to join us.

Student Teacher Recruiting: The recruiting team focuses on reaching out to student teachers. So far, we have reached hundreds of teachers all over the country. If you join this team, you will have the opportunity to meet and interview different people.

Teaching Quality: The Teaching Quality Team’s goal is to bring quality education to students and guidance to teachers. To continue doing so, AiGoLearning is looking for experienced teachers and leaders who bring engagement and enthusiasm into their classes to help others do the same.

Curriculum Development: If you are passionate about specific coding languages and want to help develop courses, the curriculum development team is for you! Many of our courses are actually outlined and created by students. Developers create the outline from scratch and the necessary presentations, project prompts, and solution codes. Subsequently, the developers would be consulted on most things regarding the new course and will play a large role in training new teachers as well.

Event Management: AiGoLearning has already hosted 2, very successful hackathons. These events require months of planning and preparation in multiple aspects, such as financial, outreach, and marketing efforts. Organizers gain value experience in these fields and working against the clock on a big project , as well as practice communicating with well respected organizations and individuals. Joining the event management team will help you gain valuable experience and help organize wonderful events.

STEM for All: Teens Teach Kids Coding (TTKC) is a nonprofit mission led by AiGoLearning that aims to bring the power of education to everyone through computer science. We provide free, high-quality, virtual coding courses to students from underprivileged and underrepresented groups in STEM*. We seek to partner with organizations such as local libraries, senior centers and non-profit organizations to spread our resources and reach people in need. We have courses for children aging from 5-15 years-old, from preschool/kindergarten level to high school level.

Girls Go Coding: Girls Go Coding is a non profit project which aims to give more access to girls so that they can learn their next essential life skill, coding! Young girls lack female STEM role models and environments in which they feel welcome. Girls Go Coding offers that through free, live, high quality coding classes. Classes are available to all children from 5 to 15! We are looking for people who share our enthusiasm for opening up the coding field to more girls, whether you can provide content, become a teacher, marketing, or just another point of view.

TTK Clubs: TTK Clubs is an AiGoLearning initiative that provides the guided opportunity to start a TTK Club (Teen Teach Kids) in your school or community as a high school student! Not only will you gain respect amongst others and add a leadership role (club president) to your resume and college application, but you will also gain the crucial experience of teaching others how to teach, create a warm teaching environment, interact with students, etc… all while increasing coding opportunities for the next generation of coders! For more information check out https://aigolearning.org/ttkclub/.

Journalism Team: Do you like writing, outreach, or media production? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the previous questions, then you should consider joining the AiGoLearning Journalism team! The journalism team is a team of members and aspiring writers focused on documenting and acquainting the public with the efforts made by AiGoLearning and its student leaders to provide programming learning and teaching opportunities across the country! We do this through authoring and publishing articles on a wide variety of topics, ranging from AiGoLearning initiatives to exclusive interviews with prominent STEM leaders. If you’d like to see what we’ve done so far, our articles are posted on medium at https://medium.com/aigolearning. We hope to see you soon!

AiGoLearning Junior Team (AJT): AJT works with students younger than the typical internship-age. Our team creates monthly practice problems for the students attending our classes, and other students too, to try out. This allows them to reaffirm their skills they learn in the classroom, expand upon their knowledge, and teach them the valuable skills of research, perseverance, and communication within our community of young students. AJT also works on teaching its members how to teach from a younger age, and starts them off as teacher assistants in real classrooms.


Interested in opening up a branch in your local community? Click the button below to register today!

Hackathon Coding Competiton